Sticking to a healthy diet, plus remembering to take daily vitamins can be annoying. It’s a lifestyle, and many of us don’t have time for that kind of thing.We’re too busy bussing kids around, working, and trying to enjoy life in between. Choking down pills every single day can be a major turn off. In fact, research recently showed that …
Healthy Meal Hacks For Busy Parents
Life can get super challenging between running a household and trying to prepare healthy meals for your family. Trying to feed finicky eaters, along with satisfying meals for the adults in the house can turn into a magic act. There are some things you can do to make everyone happy. Check out these 8 tips and tricks that can make …
Prevent Colds And The Flu With These Tips
Cold and flu season seems like it’s always right around the corner. Try as we might to feed our kids healthy snacks and meals while running from school to after school activities, keeping the family on a healthy path can be a full time job. It’s always to focus on nutrition for cold and flu prevention in order to help …
Do Your Vitamins Contain Unnecessary Additives?
We are getting better at reading labels. We look at ingredients and additives in our food and other products. And, we demand transparency. Yet, the supplement ingredient list can be a little trickier to figure out. This is because those unnecessary ingredients aren’t listed on the label in a visible way. What many consumers don’t know is, in addition to …
Antioxidants: Nutrients Your Body Needs
It’s true. Not all vitamins and minerals are created equal. While they take on roles to protect and help our health, some vitamins and minerals are better at it than others. As antioxidants, these nutrients are fighters. They include Vitamins A, C, E and selenium. What Are Antioxidants? Antioxidants can prevent cell damage caused by oxidation from free radicals. Oxidation …
July 4th Tespo Popsicles!
Enjoy these popsicles for breakfast or dessert on the fourth of July or any other summer day! Ingredients—Makes 4-6 popsicles 1 to 1 ½ cup strawberries chopped 4 shots Tespo formula of your choice 1 ¼ cup plain or vanilla yogurt 1 to 1 ½ cup blueberries Note: If you don’t have fresh fruit, you can use frozen fruit. Watermelon …
Tips For Staying Hydrated (Plus A Yummy Smoothie Recipe)
It’s summer time, and it’s getting hot outside. As the sun and warmth get us outside more, we also tend to sweat more in the summer, which means we lose a lot of water. Not feeling great after a day in the sun? Chances are, dehydration has set in. . A male body is made up of roughly 60% water and …
5 Nutrients To Be Beach-Body Ready
As summer approaches, we spend as much time as we can outside. For some of us, this also means it’s time to get the body ready to hit the beach (or pool). Taking vitamins not only helps you stay healthy, but it can help you get those lean, toned muscles, too. Vitamins play a big role in muscle health and …
5 Ways To Combat Seasonal Allergies
April showers bring May flowers but they also bring seasonal allergies. As the world starts to bloom, we welcome it with sneezing and watery eyes. In fact, in 2012, it was reported that 11.1 million people were diagnosed with allergic rhinitis—also known as hay fever or seasonal allergies. However, researchers think that nasal allergies actually affect approximately 50 million people …
5 Ways Energy-Plus Will Get You Energized
Feeling sleepy, sluggish, low on energy? It can be hard to pinpoint exactly what saps our energy, butthat doesn’t mean it does’t happen. Poor sleep, late nights working or studying, stress, or a lack of exercise can all drain your energy. So can nutrient deficiencies. And, even the aging process. As we age, our body doesn’t produce as much of the nutrients …