We all love our superheroes. Well, Vitamin B the superhero of vitamins, and you should really think about taking them. What Is Vitamin B? Vitamin B gives us energy, lifts our mood, helps with metabolism, supports healthy nervous, reproductive and immune systems while aiding the heart and mind, too. Basically, it’s essential to your health. But, it’s also water soluble, which means …
What Exactly Does Bioavailability Mean?
What does bioavailability mean? Simply put, bioavailability is how nutrients are absorbed by the body. Why Do We Care About Bioavailability? Nutrients that are bioavailable are easy for your body to utilize. Todd Runestad, ingredients and supplements editor, New Hope Network, and advisor to Tespo puts it simply: “Bioavailability is the amount of an ingredient circulating in your blood. If an ingredient doesn’t …
Boost Your Immunity During Flu Season
When building your immunity for flu season, it’s helpful to know your A, B, C’s when it comes to vitamins. Throw in a little D & E and your immune system will love you. In addition to staying hydrated, getting enough sleep, eating well and managing stress, consider a daily vitamin routine. Like an insurance policy, a vitamin routine can …
Introducing Tespo Bariatric Formula
When we launched Tespo, we started with multivitamins. Then, we began to hear requests from customers. One of the loudest voices we heard was from the Bariatric community requesting that we create a Bariatric Formula. We took this to heart and now, we are proud to introduce our Bariatric Formula. Bariatric surgical procedures help people to lose weight by restricting the …
Are You Sure You’re Getting Enough Sleep?
Sure, there are some who brag about surviving on 4 hours of sleep. But for most of us, that’s simply not enough. In fact, anything less than 7 hours of shut eye per night can actually have serious consequences to your health. For optimal health, adults need 7 to 9 hours of sleep per night according to the National Sleep Foundation (NSF). …
5 Nutrients That Can Help Boost Your Energy
It’s summer and you’re spending more time outside, exercising and eating well. But for some reason, you’re still not feeling energized. What’s up? Your body’s energy comes from turning food into energy. Mitochondria, tiny organelles found in most cells, are instrumental in this process. How well mitochondria function can be compromised by many things, including age. But don’t despair. Eating healthy …
8 Reasons to Take a Multivitamin Every Day
Why take a multivitamin? Yes, we can get a lot of nutrients from food, especially fruits and vegetables, but the fact is we don’t. When we don’t eat enough fruits and vegetables, we miss essential nutrients, which can lower our risk for heart disease, stroke, cancer, and other health conditions. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), adults should consume 1.5-2 …
CoQ10 Spotlight—what can it do for you?
What is CoQ10 and how does it work? First off, CoQ10 is a coenzyme, which means it supports other enzymes in their functions. Coenzymes are necessary for an enzyme to function. Coenzymes can’t catalyze a reaction on their own but they can help enzymes to do so. In the case of CoQ10, it is a key player in the metabolic …
Water Soluble vs. Fat Soluble Vitamins
There are 13 essential vitamins our bodies need. These can be divided into two categories: fat-soluble and water-soluble. What’s the difference? The difference comes down to how they act within the body. Here’s what you need to know. Fat Soluble Vitamins A, D, E, and K Fat-soluble vitamins are soluble in fats. They are absorbed by fat globules that travel through the small intestines …
The Truth About What’s In Your Supplements
What Additives, Binders & Fillers Are In Your Supplements? What’s in your supplements? More than 90% of tablets, capsules and gummies contain unnecessary ingredients—additives, binders, and fillers—referred to as “excipients” by the industry. These are extra ingredients that your body does not need such as preservatives, glazes, sweeteners, artificial coloring, deodorizers, and other substances used to shape and hold pills …