Vitamin E is predominantly used in beauty products for hair, nails, and skin support. When working in conjunction with Vitamin C and beta carotene, Vitamin E is effective for anti aging, reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles*. But, what is Vitamin E, and do we really need it aside from vanity reasons? Learn more by reading on.
Why Is Vitamin E Called The Beauty Vitamin?
Vitamin E is an antioxidant, which means it helps to prevent your cells, especially those in your skin, from dying. To stay ‘eternally youthful’, it doesn’t hurt to add a daily E to your vitamin routine.
It also creates a sort of force field across your skin, protecting it from the sun’s rays, plus those harmful free radicals floating in the air. There is also some research showing that Vitamin E helps reduce the breakdown of collagen. In essence, Vitamin E can help keep your skin youthful and nourished. It can’t erase time, but it has the potential to slow down its effects. And that is why Vitamin E is called the “Beauty Vitamin”.
What Are The Benefits Of Vitamin E?
Vitamin E oil is the more popular form of this vitamin. Capsules are also available. There has been a lot of research done on the benefits of Vitamin E aside from external usage for anti aging.
- Provides cell protection making it an antioxidant
- There are links showing a higher daily dose of Vitamin E may lower your chance of developing heart disease*
- Vitamin E may reduce the risk of developing age-related macular degeneration (AMD)*
- Used to prevent complications of preeclampsia later in pregnancies*
- May help with cramps related to menstruation*
- The oil form is good for moderate to severely dry skin*
- Oral Vitamin E can help lessen the itching associated with eczema*
- May reduce psoriasis symptoms*
- Relieves the effects of sunburn*
Some people may have a Vitamin E sensitivity, and they could have an allergic reaction, especially if it’s applied topically in oil form. So, it’s best to patch test before applying Vitamin E all over.
Side Effects Of Too Much Vitamin E
It’s pretty difficult to get too much Vitamin E and experience any type of adverse reaction when you’re getting it directly from foods. Taken in the form of a supplement, if your Vitamin E levels are too high you may be unable to form clots after an injury, increasing your risk of excessive bleeding.
Vitamin E can also interfere with certain medicines for blood clotting conditions, chemotherapy, and statin drugs for high cholesterol. It can also exacerbate a Vitamin K deficiency which directly affects blood coagulation. If you are on any type of prescription medication, you must check with your doctor before adding vitamins and supplements into your daily diet.
If you’re pregnant, don’t take high doses of Vitamin E due to the potential to cause risks to your unborn baby. It is, however, safe to take if you’re breastfeeding.
Potential side effects due to higher than recommended doses of Vitamin E for an extended period of time are:
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Headache
- Rash
- Lethargy
- Vision trouble
- A serious side effect is bleeding
- In babies, Vitamin E may cause necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC), which is life-threatening
What Causes A Vitamin E Deficiency?
It is very uncommon to have a Vitamin E deficiency. But, it can happen. Primarily, it is seen in preemies with extremely low birth weight. People with digestive troubles may also have a deficiency.
Here are some signs of a Vitamin E deficiency:
- Numbing or tingling in your extremities
- Issues with your retina
- Lower functioning immune system
- Loss of the ability to control bodily functions and movements
The Difference Between Vitamin E Oil And Vitamin E Capsules?
Using Vitamin E topically allows the body to absorb it differently than when it’s taken as a supplement or through diet.
The oil is applied directly to the skin, and the capsules are taken orally. More side effects are associated with the oral supplements than the topical. So, if you’re taking the oral Vitamin E then consult with your doctor to make sure you’re staying within the recommended dosage in order to avoid negative side effects from too high of a dose.
Foods Rich In Vitamin E
You can add Vitamin E naturally if you don’t want to take a supplement. The following foods will give you your recommended daily dose.
- 1 oz. of dry roasted sunflower seeds
- 1 oz. of dry roasted hazelnuts
- 1 oz. of dry roasted peanuts
- 1 oz. of dry roasted almonds
- ½ cup of boiled spinach
- ½ cup of boiled or steamed broccoli
- 1 medium kiwi
- ½ cup mango
- 1 medium tomato
- Avocado which also contains more potassium than a banana
Sure, it’s always best to get your daily nutrient requirements through your food, but that’s not always easy to do. To really make sure your body is getting what it needs, it’s beneficial to take a multivitamin.
Get connected with the Tespo Connect Dispenser which is essential for the full liquid vitamin experience.
Disclaimer: The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) suggests that you consult with a health care professional before using any dietary supplement. Many supplements contain ingredients that have strong biological effects, and such products may not be safe in all people.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.