If there is one vitamin that most of us hear about throughout our lives, it’s Vitamin C. It may fight off colds, but Vitamin C does so much more.
Vitamin C also happens to be water-soluble, which means your body does not store it. According to the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey almost half of Americans fall short of getting enough Vitamin C without taking supplements or fortification.
A daily multivitamin is a great way to make sure you get your C’s.
Why You Should Take Vitamin C Every Day
It’s A Potent Antioxidant
As an antioxidant Vitamin C helps to fight free radicals, which are pesky molecules that like to wreak havoc on the immune system. Without the presence of antioxidants like Vitamin C, they can become a pathway to disease.
It Boosts Immunity
This is what your mom always told you.
The fact is, Vitamin C helps strengthen the immune system because of its antioxidant properties. White blood cells actually rely on Vitamin C to help fight bacteria. Think of Vitamin C as a super hero fighting the bad guys—like colds and other infectious diseases.
It Helps Fight Colds
Okay, we know we just said this but it bears repeating. If you do actually get a cold, don’t stop taking Vitamin C because it’s known to be great in helping to reduce the length and intensity of sickness symptoms.
It Promotes Cardiovascular Health
Remember those free radicals we mentioned? If left to their own devices they can break down cells and lead to diseases such as cardiovascular disease.
Vitamin C’s antioxidant properties are thought to play a role in protecting your heart. Studies have even shown Vitamin C to have similar effects on your heart as walking or exercise. It has also shown to improve vasodilation in those with heart disease.
It Contributes To Eye Health
Studies have shown taking a multivitamin containing a combination of vitamins, including Vitamin C, lutein and zeaxanthin can reduce the risk of macular degeneration. Macular degeneration is a disease that causes loss of vision.
It Aids In Healthy Aging
Need to ward off wrinkles or the signs of aging skin, let Vitamin C help.
Again, its antioxidant properties has it working overtime in your body to ward off oxidative stress and keep your cells happy, healthy and functioning well.
It Promotes Lots Of Locks
Research shows that Vitamin C, along with Vitamins B3 and biotin promotes fuller hair. The oxidative stress caused by free radicals, can damage cell structures and cause our hair to age, contributing to hair loss and graying.
Vitamin C is thought to help fend off this aging process.
Boost your vitamins with the Healthy Hair, Skin, and Nails formula.
It Helps With The Happy
Research has shown that taking Vitamin C on a regular basis can help to improve your mood and reduce anxiety.
It Helps Fight Scurvy
Scurvy is caused by a Vitamin C deficiency, which in decades past came on in unfavorable living situations or among sailors as they crossed oceans. This disease can affect the gums, cause poor wound healing, and even death by infection or bleeding.
The moral of the story, don’t become Vitamin C deficient.
It Controls The Matrix
The bone matrix, that is. Which is an intercellular bone tissue containing primarily collagen, along with inorganic salts and calcium carbonate. Low levels of Vitamin C are thought to play a role in osteoporosis and bone fractures.
In fact, author Thomas E. Levy, MD, author of Death by Calcium says pay more attention to Vitamin C levels than low calcium.
Get your vitamin C and so much more here: Tespo Pods