How well do you know your heart? It’s a vital organ that keeps you alive, but are you doing everything you can to keep it healthy? According to the Cleveland Clinic, every minute your heart pumps approximately five to six gallons of blood across a network of arteries, veins and capillaries more than 60,000 miles long. That’s long enough to …
10 Reasons To Take Vitamin C Daily
If there is one vitamin that most of us hear about throughout our lives, it’s Vitamin C. It may fight off colds, but Vitamin C does so much more. Vitamin C also happens to be water-soluble, which means your body does not store it. According to the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey almost half of Americans fall short of …
Making The Change To Methylfolate
At Tespo, we pride ourselves on listening to our customers. In the case of folic acid versus methylfolate, we heard you loud and clear. Many of you asked if we could offer a formula with methylfolate in place of folic acid. We heard you, and we are happy to introduce methylfolate in our new Tespo-Complete formulas. What Is Methylfolate And Why …
How To Set Healthy New Year’s Goals
In past years you haven’t had much luck with setting New Year’s goals. They just don’t seem to stick. That’s okay. You’re not alone. Roughly 45% of Americans set New Year’s Resolutions each year, according to the Statistic Brain Research Institute. Yet, only about 8% of people actually achieve their New Year’s goals. But that doesn’t mean there isn’t value …
10 Tips To Manage Holiday Stress
For so many, holidays are a time of stress instead of joy. Unfortunately, not a lot of good comes from holiday stress. Often, we find ourselves drinking more alcohol, eating more sugar and sleeping less as a result. In fact, instead of feeling the good cheer of the season, more than half of us end up feeling tired, stressed and …
Why You Need All The Vitamin Bs
We all love our superheroes. Well, Vitamin B the superhero of vitamins, and you should really think about taking them. What Is Vitamin B? Vitamin B gives us energy, lifts our mood, helps with metabolism, supports healthy nervous, reproductive and immune systems while aiding the heart and mind, too. Basically, it’s essential to your health. But, it’s also water soluble, which means …
What Exactly Does Bioavailability Mean?
What does bioavailability mean? Simply put, bioavailability is how nutrients are absorbed by the body. Why Do We Care About Bioavailability? Nutrients that are bioavailable are easy for your body to utilize. Todd Runestad, ingredients and supplements editor, New Hope Network, and advisor to Tespo puts it simply: “Bioavailability is the amount of an ingredient circulating in your blood. If an ingredient doesn’t …
Why You Should Care About Your Sugar Intake
We have reason to believe sugar isn’t quite as sweet as it makes itself out to be. Whether you’re talking about heart disease or diabetes, inflammation or immunity, sugar has a hand in a long list of ailments. What’s The Deal With Sugar? There are so many conditions brought on by sugar in your diet. Yet, sugar is found in so many …
Introducing Tespo Bariatric Formula
When we launched Tespo, we started with multivitamins. Then, we began to hear requests from customers. One of the loudest voices we heard was from the Bariatric community requesting that we create a Bariatric Formula. We took this to heart and now, we are proud to introduce our Bariatric Formula. Bariatric surgical procedures help people to lose weight by restricting the …
Are You Sure You’re Getting Enough Sleep?
Sure, there are some who brag about surviving on 4 hours of sleep. But for most of us, that’s simply not enough. In fact, anything less than 7 hours of shut eye per night can actually have serious consequences to your health. For optimal health, adults need 7 to 9 hours of sleep per night according to the National Sleep Foundation (NSF). …